Wild Spark
The ride is a sparkling jump attraction for family and it’s equipped with an original pneumatic system coming from Spain, the country where the best Saltamontes come from. We reinterpreted the seat concept offering seats with individual restrains equipped with redundant safety locks.
The ride is available in two version 14 arms x 3 seats (42 passengers) with restriction from 110 cm so it is a family ride designed for surpising entry level thrill emotion.
Technical Park has also designed an unconventional new restraint system for single patron containment: more comfortable, fitting for a larger number of people (corpulent adults, children, etc.) and allowing a greater freedom of movement for passengers. The riders of a Saltamontes ride need to feel close each other and almost free, so that the thrills experienced on board can be full. This system achieve this result under conditions of perfectly equal security like for the regular over-the-shoulder restraints.
Height Restrictions

Guest must be: 51” tall to ride alone (130 cm) OR 43” tall (110 cm) and accompanied by a supervising companion.
Restrictions can be subject to change in case of specific customizations implemented or local provisions.